To foster collaboration and help develop the research ecosystem for Irish economists, the Irish Economic Association (IEA) has established a mechanism whereby IEA members (institutional, individual, corporate) can establish thematic research networks. These networks aim to foster debate, discussion, and research collaborations across the discipline in Ireland. Members are free to propose a network on any research topic of their choice.
The research networks programme has the following aim and objectives:
- To bring together IEA affiliated researchers to work on shared thematic research areas;
- To improve information flows on ongoing research amongst research network members;
- To coordinate and circulate relevant research and papers to network members through a centralised information channel such as mailing lists;
- To foster collaboration and encourage research partnerships to develop within the economics disciple in Ireland;
- To hold conferences, workshops and events in the area of thematic research network; and
- To put forward proposed special sessions for the IEA conferences in the thematic area of the network.
The structure of the network will be flexible but will require two (or more) IEA members from different institutions to become Co-Chairs of the network (across all membership categories). It is assumed that the Co-Chairs will organise the day-to-day running of the network’s activities. Network chairs will be required to provide a short report (maximum 1 to 2 pages) on the activities of the network to the IEA board on an annual basis. Other IEA members can join the network once it is established.
To encourage and support the development and activity of networks, the IEA will provide a funding stream for networks up to a maximum of €2,000 per network. The funding for networks is allowed to cover the following:
- Organising events, workshops and conferences;
- Bringing external speakers to address the network;
- Expenditure on training which would boost understanding in the thematic area.
The IEA will help advertise the network and identify new members for the network through our mailing list and website.
To apply to become a research network, please fill in the online form or email for more information. Proposals will be assessed by a sub-group of the IEA Board and applications are welcome on a rolling basis.
A PDF copy of this advertisement is available here.