Earlier this year the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment initiated a process aimed at updating and revising the curriculum and assessment methods for Leaving Certificate Economics. As part of the process the NCCA issued a background paper and called for feedback on this report from the Economics community.
Given its role as the lead body coordinating economic research and third level teaching in Ireland the IEA felt it was appropriate to engage with this proposed reform of Leaving Certificate Economics
On behalf of the IEA, Dr. Kevin Denny (UCD), Dr. Aedin Doris (Maynooth University) & Dr. Stephen Kinsella (UL) prepared a response to the NCCA background paper. This report was accepted by the Council of the IEA and subsequently submitted to the NCCA as part of their consultation process.
The original NCCA back ground paper is available at NCCA report and the response prepared by the Irish Economic Association is available at IEA Response.